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acute tubular necrosis中文是什么意思

用"acute tubular necrosis"造句"acute tubular necrosis"怎么读"acute tubular necrosis" in a sentence


  • 急性肾小管坏死


  • Acute tubular necrosis
  • This is representative of acute tubular necrosis ( atn ) , which has many causes
  • Effect of bone marrow cells in the recovery of acute tubular necrosis due to glycerine in mice
  • As long - term outcome studies of acute renal failure ( arf ) are scarce and non - homogeneous , we studied 187 consecutive acute tubular necrosis ( atn ) patients without previous nephropathies , discharged alive from our hospital between october 77 and december 92 and followed - up until december 99 ( range 7 ? 22 years ; median 7 . 2 )
    因为关于急性肾衰( arf )长期预后的研究很少而且结论不一,我们观察了本院从十月份( 77例)到十二月份( 92例)存活出院并一直随访到次年十二月份( 99例)共187例没有既往肾脏病史的急性肾小管坏死患者(年龄范围7 ? 22岁,中位数7 . 2年) 。
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